Daily Giz Wiz 645: Cidco Mailstation

Episode 645 of the podcast

Cidco Mailstation
Subject: Review of Cidco Mailstation
Released:Friday 29 August 2008
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0645.mp3 (9.3 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: Cidco Mailstation.

Detailed information

The Cidco Mivo 250 dates back to about 2001, and was a home appliance for sending and receiving emails.  You would connect the base station to an ordinary phone line, which communicates with the Mivo 250 via the antenna cordlessly, using the 900 MHz frequency.  It could store up to 1,000 email addresses and about 40 emails.  You would need to subscribe to Cidco's email service for about US$10 a month, and use a toll-free 800-number to access your emails.  It could also fetch weather information and TV listings.

The Mivo 250 was already an improvement on earlier models, including the Mivo 100 Mailstation from 1999, in that it worked cordlessly.

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