Daily Giz Wiz 658: Webcammax

Episode 658 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Webcammax
Released:Wednesday 17 September 2008
Length:about 19 minutes
Download file:dgw0658.mp3 (8.6 MB)

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Short info

Add videos, pictures and effects to your webcam video with WebcamMax.

Detailed information

Recommended to Dick by Andy Wombwell of stickam.tv, WebcamMax is a piece of software for Windows to add special effects to your webcam video chat, including special background of your choice, bubble effect, hats and glasses to your video image.  You can also do a split screen or picture-in-picture with an additional movie, video clip or picture.

For Mac users, Leo suggests CamTwist.

Andy of Stickam is still trying to persuade Dick to do a show on Stickam (see Episode 600).  It may well be called Giz TV.  All Dick is waiting for is a new computer to replace his Atari.  Then he can wipe TWiT off the face of the internet with the help of WebcamMax.

Off to NAB

Tomorrow Leo will be at the National Associatin of Broadcasters Convention in Austin, Texas.  He's going to tell them that radio is history, and podcasting is the future.

Looking under the Desk

While Leo looks under his desk for his TTTT gadgets, Dick looks under his desk for his notes.  Unlike Leo, Dick comes prepared.

Say Nay to the Naysayers

John Cleig who wrote in Episode 464, writes again, this time to support Dick and Leo on commercials on the show.  He also asks listeners to click on The Animal Rescue Site to generate food and care for stray or unwanted animals.

The End of the World

Dick and Leo haven't stopped the show.  Nor has the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland generated a giant Black Hole yet.

No More Fruit Baskets for Dick

The pineapple gift baskets from Hawaii have stopped.  Dane Golden is back on the mainland, and telling everyone, "Hang loose, bra".

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