Daily Giz Wiz 711: Bushnell Backtrack

Episode 711 of the podcast

Bushnell Backtrack
Subject: Review of Bushnell Backtrack
Released:Monday 1 December 2008
Length:about 19 minutes
Download file:dgw0711.mp3 (8.8 MB)

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Short info

Finally answer the question "Dude, where's my car?" with the Bushnell BackTrack GPS Navigation System.

Detailed information

Another GPS after Leo's TomTom One 3rd Edition (Episode 702).  Bushnell's BackTrack is designed for a limited and specific purpose.  No maps, no voice directions, just directions for getting back to where you started: your house, your car, and a customisable third location.  Good for camping, hiking, or getting back to your car-park.  Uses the SIRF Star III GPS Receiver.


Kimberley suffers from a potentially deadly allergy to peanuts.  Having the Nirvana Organizer (Episode 691) is a life-saver for her as it protects her from any traces of peanuts which might be in the seat pocket.

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