Daily Giz Wiz 515: Honeywell 316 Kitchen Computer

Episode 515 of the podcast

Honeywell 316 Kitchen Computer
Subject: Review of Honeywell 316 Kitchen Computer
Released:Friday 29 February 2008
Length:about 15 minutes
Download file:dgw0515.mp3 (6.7 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: The Honeywell 316 Kitchen Computer.

Detailed information

Listener Jacob ran across the Honeywell H316 Pedestal produced in 1969.  It weighed 150 pounds, and its primary use was to store recipes.  No screen, no printer, but it had a cutting board - a true kitchen computer.  It retailed for just over $10,000, and even came with a cookbook, recipes, and an apron!  A real classic.

Leap Day

The Leap Year was introduced during the reign of Julius Caesar.  People born on Leap Day (such as St Mattias) are called leaplings.


Dan Martin from Houston, Texas wrote to tell Dick that he has been using the RainStick (Episode 500) for 10 years and it is still available at GardenScapeTools.

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