Daily Giz Wiz 861: Coin Counting Money Jar
Episode 861 of the podcast

Subject: | Review of Coin Counting Money Jar |
Released: | Monday 29 June 2009 |
Length: | about 20 minutes |
Download file: | dgw0861.mp3 (9.4 MB) |
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Short info
Counting is difficult, so why not get a Digital Coin Counting Money Jar to do it for you?
(source: twit.tv/dgw861)
Detailed information
Digital Coin Counting Money JarDigital Coin Bank
Link: Graveyard Mall
The Digital Coin Counting Money Jar from Perfect Solutions takes coins of any size, tells you what the denomination is, and tells you the total in the jar. For another digital coin bank that Dick talked about, see the Pig E-Bank, in Episode 329.
Gadget AddictionThe Graveyard Mall, "where high prices come to die", is bad news for Dick. It has a deal of the day, and Dick just can't resist buying it. The other day Dick bought a car gadget and he doesn't even have a car.
A Bill Gaines Boasting JarBill Gaines might have been a free spirit, but he was not short of curmudgeonly behaviour. He used to fine people in the MAD Office for enthusing over a recurring topic of conversation, such as a new baby, put the quarters in a Boasting Jar, and use the money to buy pizzas for the staff. Now, if only Dick and Leo could be fined by listeners for repeating a topic of conversation in the show, we'd be rich .... and there'll be no shows.
CoinstarLeo reminisced about rolling up coin stacks in paper. Dick is outraged by the practice adopted by some banks in New York City of charging 9% for counting coins, and suggests going to supermarkets which will count up coins for free and give you a store credit. There are also the Coinstar Machines, which count up your coins for free, and you have a choice of donating the money to charity or buying cash cards or e-certificates (including companies like Amazon, iTunes, Starbucks and Lowes). Check out other uses of Coinstar.
A Severe Reprimand from a ListenerIn Episode 845, while Dick talked about the cutlery sharpening truck, Leo chipped in to say how stainless steel knives could not be sharpened and chefs generally avoided them. Bruce Moore, a hobbyist knife-maker, appreciates Dick's desire to help Leo along in his career but suggests that Dick hold the reins more tightly on Leo. Bruce says that both of Leo's statements could not be further from the truth, and adds that the higher the carbon content, the harder the steel. He recommends Lansky Sharpeners to Leo, for whom Bruce, reprimand apart, has the utmost respect. Leo is truly humbled.
Bruce was not the only one to point out Leo's mistake. Another listener left a comment on Dick's post for Episode 845.
Housewives' MythsLeo's misconception about stainless steel knives got Dick on to the subject of housewives' myths, like how Mum always cuts off the end of a roast and throws it away. "Mum, why do you do that?" "I don't know, that's what Grandma always does." "Grandma, why do you do that?" "Oh, I don't have a big enough pan for the roast."
Feeling the HeatLeo is scratching his head again for tomorrow's gadget. He keeps forgetting what he was going to do. He did mention that he might talk about an old gadget given to him by Jeri Ellsworth in Episode 854. He might be pressed into talking about the Dutch foam slippers given to him by a listener recently, or his flaming Screen Savers shoes. Come to think of it, he might do a foot fetish podcast. There's no podcast that Leo wouldn't do.
Euro TVThe Stickam feed went down during the recording, and Leo had to fix it - in a German accent.
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(source: insidedgw.vox.com)