Daily Giz Wiz 875: Brookstone Programmable Nameplate

Episode 875 of the podcast

Brookstone Programmable Nameplate
Subject: Review of Brookstone Programmable Nameplate
Released:Friday 17 July 2009
Length:about 16 minutes
Download file:dgw0875.mp3 (7.2 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: Brookstone Programmable Nameplate

Detailed information

Brookstone used to sell this Electronic Nameplate, one side showing the time, date and temperature, the other side is an LCD scrolling display for your name and other programmable messages up to 16 characters.  Brookstone doesn't carry this any more, but Carilion Marketplace seems to be still selling it, in bulk quantities.

Hearst Tower, New York City

The original Hearst Tower was completed in 1928.  Out of the old cast stone facade which has been preserved is the new building, a glass tower framed by triangular structural steel "diagrids", designed by Norman Foster and completed in 2006.  Leo is thinking of building a skyscraper out of the Victorian TWiT Cottage.

Dick, the Gadget Proxy

Dick and Bill Gaines used to have a special arrangement.  While Bill was not averse to gadgetry, he was not exactly a gadget geek.  He would pay for gadgets, get Dick to try them out first and work out how things worked, before they were handed over to him.

Terratrike to Beach

In Episode 815 Larry Blakely wrote about his 50-mile cycling challenge charity event, and hoped to hear about more bike gadgets on the Daily Giz Wiz.  His prayer has been answered.  It was his very letter which got Leo on to his Terratrike (Episode 837), and then Leo's other bike gadgets such as the Cateye Micro Wireless and the Delta Airzound Bike Horn (Episode 842).  Larry has a bike gadget suggestion for Leo, the iHome Bike-to-Beach Bicycle Speaker for iPods.  The iPod sits inside the tube which is water-resistant.  It comes with a mounting bracket and a wireless remote control which is also mountable on to the handle-bar.

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