Daily Giz Wiz 688: Sandisk Slot Music

Episode 688 of the podcast

Sandisk Slot Music
Subject: Review of Sandisk Slot Music
Released:Wednesday 29 October 2008
Length:about 17 minutes
Download file:dgw0688.mp3 (7.6 MB)

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Short info

Listen to your music via DRM-free MicroSD cards with the SanDisk Sansa slotMusic Player.

Detailed information

The music industry has come up with a new idea for distributing digital music - slotMusic - selling albums as DRM-free MP3s (up to 320 kbps) on a 1GB microSD card.  The 4 major international music companies - Universal, Sony/BMG, Warner and EMI all support it.  Any micro-SD enabled phone or MP3 player can play the music.  The slotMusic card is one of those that has a tiny USB sleeve that can plug into any computer for transfer.  Album art, liner notes and any other creative content may be included on the card, in digital form.

Sandisk, being a major flash memory manufacturer, is supporting the new format, and has made a Sansa slotMusic Player - a barebone device with a microSDHC slot that plays MP3 and WMA files, with no other functions, running on a single AAA battery.  The sleeve (or skin) is replaceable.  Bundles including the player and a slotMusic card (currently only ABBA, Robin Thicke, Connie Talbot and Don't Quit) are available.

The slotMusic "albums" and the slotMusic Player can be purchased online through the Sansa Store or at Wal-Mart and Best Buy.  The albums are selling for $15.

You can check out the available albums on the Sansa Store or on slotMusic.org.

Geek Cruises

Captain Neil Bauman has changed the name of Geek Cruises to Insight Cruises.  Leo will be going on the China, Korea and Japan Tour next year with Henry.

Grilling Barbeque

Captain Neil is also a grilling specialist, and Leo was going to a barbeque last Wednesday, with Captain Neil demonstrating his grilling skills, which would be beamed live on TWiTLive, to be joined by Randal Schwartz, FLOSS Weekly co-host and avid DGW listener.  Unfortunately, at an earlier barbeque at Captain Neil's house, poor Randal had an accident and broke his arm.  Listen to FLOSS Weekly Episode 46 where he explained the accident.

Burns & Allen

Prolific letter writer Steve Miller (whose letter was read out only yesterday in Episode 687) writes again.  Dick's mention of George Burns and Gracie Allen in Episode 679 made him search for the Burns & Allen radio show on Audible, Steve having become a subscriber thanks to DGW (see Episode 376).  What he found was an Audible book by Burns called "One Hundred Years, One Hundred Stories".  Steve, who is easily tempted, could not resist buying the book.

This is Steve's 9th letter read out in DGW, the most for any listeners.

In Return for Candy

12-year-old seventh-grader A Z Bopper from Mesa, Arizona has been listening to DGW for the last 6 months and has been inspired by Dick and Leo to become a total computer nerd, helping his mother with her computer, and his English teacher with her computer and printer.  He doesn't mind because he gets candy for it.  Dick advises that he should hold out for soda as well, and Leo adds, "But not candy corn."

Match Game Memories on Stickam

Dick is going to do a show on Match Game Memories on Saturday 29 November, the day Gene Rayburn passed away, which also happens to be Leo's birthday.  It will be on Stickam.  Leo wants to crash the party.  Stayed tuned.

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Tags: Data Storage SD card

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