Daily Giz Wiz 828: Quik Brite LEDs

Episode 828 of the podcast

Quik Brite LEDs
Subject: Review of Quik Brite LEDs
Released:Wednesday 13 May 2009
Length:about 18 minutes
Download file:dgw0828.mp3 (8.5 MB)

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Short info

Light up your drawers, cabinets and closets with Quik Brite LEDs.

Detailed information

Quik Brite is an LED light for a closet or drawer that will go on automatically as you open the door of the drawer, as seen on TV.  They come in a package of 8, plus 2 "SwivelSpots", which are also LED lights, with manual switches, on a rotating base which you can turn to control of the direction of the light.  Dick found a great bargain for these at Bed, Bath And Beyond.

Bright Feet

Talk of Quik Brites reminds Dick and Leo of Bright Feet, the night slippers with headlights that light up as soon as you put them on, from Episode 73.

Tea Time Movie

Dick and Leo reminisce about Johnny Carson, the Tea Time Movie, the character Art Fern and the Matinee Lady played by Carol Wayne.  Here is a clip.

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Funk and Wagnall's Porch

Dick and Leo have referred to something having been "hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar in Funk and Wagnalls' porch" a number of times now.  It's one of the lines that Ed McMahon used to say about the envelopes of questions which Carnac the Magnificent, another character played by Johnny Carson, would know the answers to before the envelopes were opened.  Funk and Wagnalls is a book publisher.  Here is a video clip of Carnac.

[play video]

A Gadget to Remember

Toby Robinson thought the Zircon Repeater Tape Meaure (Episode 795) was a good idea, and told his wife Elaine about it, who was not impressed, as you would still have to remember the Zircon itself.  Trust the wife to ruin the fun.  What a killjoy!

A Name to Remember, Or Not

Toby also says that his last name is pronounced robe-in-son.  Tough, say Dick and Leo.  If Dr Mark Sukoenig has become Dr Forrester to Dick and Leo, Toby is lucky they're even calling him Toby.  He will remain a rob-in-son.

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Tags: LED Lights Lights

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