Daily Giz Wiz 616: Spoon Sisters Parking Meter Alarm

Episode 616 of the podcast

Spoon Sisters Parking Meter Alarm
Subject: Review of Spoon Sisters Parking Meter Alarm
Released:Monday 21 July 2008
Length:about 18 minutes
Download file:dgw0616.mp3 (8.4 MB)

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Short info

Feed the meter on time with the Spoon Sisters Parking Meter Alarm.

Detailed information

The Parking Meter Alarm is a timer which alerts you to feed the meter when your parking time is up.  You can set the time by 5-minute increments.  It has a spring-loaded cylinder which holds up to 10 quarters, and a key-ring for your keys.  Available from Spoon Sisters.

iPhone 3G Coverage

Leo's 24-hour iPhone 3G marathon coverage turned out to be easier than he thought.  A lot of his friends called in, including Dick and Steve Wozniak; Alex Lindsay arrived at the TWiT Cottage at 4.30 a.m., Scott Bourne came at 7 a.m.  Poor Dane Golden stayed up all night and didn't get a rest until 6 a.m.

Visa is Back

As Leo promised in Episode 601, Visa is back as a sponsor, along with Audible.  Let's hope they don't blow it with Visa, which they nearly did back in Episode 145.

B & B with BBBs

Inspired by the Japanese Capsule Hotel for salarymen (tubes stacked up in rows and columns), Dick and Leo have come up with the idea of an invention of the bunk bed bench.

A Giant Plant

Lenny Brown took Dick's recommendation in Episode 503 to heart.  His girlfriend is notorious for killing plants, but after over 100 episodes, the Thirsty Light is still keeping his plant alive, in fact so well that the vine plant is taking over his window.

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