Daily Giz Wiz 834: Presto

Episode 834 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Presto
Released:Thursday 21 May 2009
Length:about 26 minutes
Download file:dgw0834.mp3 (12 MB)

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Short info

Get booted and computing in a jiffy with Presto.

Detailed information

Presto is a Linux-based operating system with a small footprint, which boots up instantly.  Essentially it's Xandros (which the first Asus Eee PC used) and is from the same company.  The extra is that the software installs itself as a dual boot OS with Windows XP or Vista for you (inclung the familiar Windows dual boot menu).  It comes pre-installed with the most often used applications, such as IM, web browser, and office applications.  There is a Presto Application Store where you can easily find and access other applications that will run on Presto.  It's Linux made easy.

Fitness Ball Recall

After Leo's fitness ball started leaking, he decided to get a cheaper version which quickly became the subject of a recall.  He's now reverted to his Gophersport Ultrafit Anti-Burst Stability Ball (Episode 322).

A Sump Pump for Dan Lueders

Back in Episode 737, Dan Lueders wrote to Dick about a power cut and the flooding of his basement.  Listener Tom Westland suggests the Zoeller Home Guard Back Up Sump Pump, which does not require electricity and simply uses water pressure to work.  Back in Episode 331, Dick talked about Reelsmart's No-Crank Garden Hose Reel, which rewinds the hose using water pressure.

WTHII March-April 2009

It's an Alcotube Plus, for breathalysing yourself.

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